Baronu de teleorman

nea Livache - Jornal de Romania -

Publicado em United States of America - Análise da guerra - 20 May 2019 08:50 - 8

Nu ma pricep la discursuri asa ca o sa o tin simplu. Yellow in budapesta :D
Thank you USA and thanks to other friends and allies that helped us.
Spor la joace.



Comentários (8)

Sárga a budapesta-ban Budapest! Helyesen te analfabéta!
Back to Mongolia with you Smile)))
WTF ! where is Hungary ? Smile))))))))
YAsmin you should go back to Albania instead.
And the one that looks the most like a Mongoloid spoke Laugh
A szorostalpu anyadat szexualizald szájba, te lopott nyelvu,, lopott tortenelmu, kisebbsegi komplexusokkal megaldott oláh
another little buthurt HUN talking about himself it seams Smile)))