Published in Croatia - Social interactions and entertainment - 08 Jan 2019 23:24 - 39
Dear Players,
as we announced before, you will be able to buy eRev2 pack from 09.01 to 13.01. Please beware that in that pack you will able to buy land place, but only in the first 2 purchased packs, after that rewards will be changed. So when you buy it for the 1st and 2nd time you will have one type of prizes, and if you want to buy it 3 or more times you will have different rewards afterwards.
Edit: if you wish to gift the pack to someone else, that person will still receive the land space in their pack even though (for example) it is the 6th pack you bought (of course, providing it is his/her 1st or 2nd pack). The trigger is on ID, so each ID can get first 2 packs including land space, and the rest not.
From today, every player below 1500 strength will receive +20 strength daily from their training center. That means you will receive the amount of strength your Training upgrade level gives you, + additional points. After you gain over 1500 strength, you will once again receive only the amount of strength based on your TC level.
We hope that you like our new missions, and that you are having fun solving it. After some complaints, we once again have to remind you that the missions last from 31.12.’18. to 01.02.’19. and you have plenty of time to solve all of them. Before we made the missions, we saw players’ “behavior” and we calculated how long you need to solve them and created it like that. We are sorry that some of you are not satisfied with them, but we believe that the missions are nice, and even more than that, that they are worth solving due to the rewards we are giving in them.
Regarding questions for resources shuffle, we will shuffle the map for sure, but keep in mind it’s only Day 96 of the game. We won’t change it so soon, bonuses are placed far from one other as much as we could, so you have to work hard to reach all bonuses. Our opinion is to make it as hard as we can so you can have more fun.
We had some questions about updates for factories, resources or naval battles. We definitely won’t implement naval battles or equipment. Regarding the factories and Life kit building, we are not sure for now whether or not to place it in game, we had some other ideas on our mind. But make sure that we will announce it to you before we add any of it.
Feel free to share with us all your ideas or critics, any kind of opinion is welcome. If you’d like, think about events which you would like to see in the game and who knows, maybe you will see your ideas come to life.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That is it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Best regards,
eRevollution Team
as we announced before, you will be able to buy eRev2 pack from 09.01 to 13.01. Please beware that in that pack you will able to buy land place, but only in the first 2 purchased packs, after that rewards will be changed. So when you buy it for the 1st and 2nd time you will have one type of prizes, and if you want to buy it 3 or more times you will have different rewards afterwards.
Edit: if you wish to gift the pack to someone else, that person will still receive the land space in their pack even though (for example) it is the 6th pack you bought (of course, providing it is his/her 1st or 2nd pack). The trigger is on ID, so each ID can get first 2 packs including land space, and the rest not.
From today, every player below 1500 strength will receive +20 strength daily from their training center. That means you will receive the amount of strength your Training upgrade level gives you, + additional points. After you gain over 1500 strength, you will once again receive only the amount of strength based on your TC level.

We hope that you like our new missions, and that you are having fun solving it. After some complaints, we once again have to remind you that the missions last from 31.12.’18. to 01.02.’19. and you have plenty of time to solve all of them. Before we made the missions, we saw players’ “behavior” and we calculated how long you need to solve them and created it like that. We are sorry that some of you are not satisfied with them, but we believe that the missions are nice, and even more than that, that they are worth solving due to the rewards we are giving in them.
Regarding questions for resources shuffle, we will shuffle the map for sure, but keep in mind it’s only Day 96 of the game. We won’t change it so soon, bonuses are placed far from one other as much as we could, so you have to work hard to reach all bonuses. Our opinion is to make it as hard as we can so you can have more fun.
We had some questions about updates for factories, resources or naval battles. We definitely won’t implement naval battles or equipment. Regarding the factories and Life kit building, we are not sure for now whether or not to place it in game, we had some other ideas on our mind. But make sure that we will announce it to you before we add any of it.
Feel free to share with us all your ideas or critics, any kind of opinion is welcome. If you’d like, think about events which you would like to see in the game and who knows, maybe you will see your ideas come to life.
For any questions, problems, suggestions, feedback, feel free to contact us via any of the official channels. You can use them also to inform yourself about news, maintenance schedule, updates and any other info regarding the game.
That is it for now. Until some other time with more news, have fun and enjoy the game.
Best regards,
eRevollution Team
AeonFluXomidmoradiTripleKolaLordMarlockraznov patrikakkokikokovComments (39)


good o7


Gib us Speed Week again to finish mission 

Your missions are stupid and realy bullshit!

Mission od rise up 3 RW od realy not fair. Reward for that mission is not even 10 % of spending to solve a mission.

what is land place lol


Good work!

O. 7.

o7 Just dont put strangth in missions, and its cool o7

Problem îs we spent gold to reach high level missions and If in end no gold rewards i am și screwed lol

From today, every player below 1500 strength will receive +5,10,15,20,25 (depend on your TC quality) strength daily from their training center.
Basically this means: We know that this type of games makes a huge difference between players over time. What to do? Let s f*uck players that play every day! Stop do this!!! It s pointless! You ll have to do it again and again over time.

@TheHarvester And thats biggest problem of those games. You end up with few players that started from beginning because new players won t play after they register and see rankings. This was really good move. It will keep new players motivated.

just wondering how it could be worth solving to travel to 50 countries and get reward of 500 CC and 100q3 food , wtf xd

To be honest these missions are dull and boring. Whats the point to make me wait every 10 minutes to made a fake contract? Recover 2 gold from every player? It is a torture, literally. I rather play some crosswords puzzles or Sudoku to be honest, at least there is fun

bleahhhhh..... stupid missions.
you have missions that force players to spend gold and resources. the result: you want players to use visacard

perfect! o7

If I have already bought 2 erev packs and now I want to buy a third as a gift to a friend, will he get land? Consider that he bought no erev pack.



Injusto para los que metemos dinero al juego solo para satisfader a todos los llorones del juego que con sus amenazas los cagones de los administradores cambian las reglas para qie estos llorones con sus amenazas no dejen el juego seguir asi y veremos cuanto mas cobrareis al mes si todo lo regalaia todos iremos a lo gratis y 0€ es lo qie vais a conseguir de a qui a la cola del paro os veo 

Just wondering... where are the news ???

@Wolf72x ... No. After year some new player will want to be as stronger as older players. That s not gonna happen. After all the ones that play regularly deserve to be stronger. That s o.k. ... It s not o.k. to compress game over and over, because you ll lose the people that will to pay ...

¡Realmente es un esfuerzo lograr un equilibrio entee visas y freeplayers, entre novatos y experimentados, entre guerreros, economistas y políticos! Así que... gracias 😉😉😉

But they will still be stronger, just that the difference between the old and new will be less so the new ones have motivation. Take erev1 and my case, registered around 2nd anniversary, got bonus training center and still am 9ish k str behind the players that are there from day 1, but my dmg does *something*, i don t feel that much of a noob. PS. @Braza the player you are gifting will get the land space, providing that it is his/hers 1st or 2nd pack, doesn t matter if it is the 10th one you bought.

Sin visas 0€ que cobrais sin 0€ no pagais servidor no pagais parches no pagais la mierda que os meteis pal cuerpo despues de enbolsaros dinero de la gente para liego hacer estas mierdas de parches eventos y regalitos para callar la boca de los llorones

With this way you cant reach the max str that strong players have so i dont see any problem.For example i see many ppl ask to join OFC and they dont fill the str reqs just because they signed up some weeks later.Now they can reach high str faster.Also you want babybooms and new players to arrive.How can you expect that to happen,when other players already have huge str advantage.. Nice job admins ,and nice packs
-From a player with max str.

@misteriosa thankyou very much.

mision is not good and hard for new player

@trapi Celio solito paga todo el server si le da la gana, un visa lloron menos no afecta tanto. Si quieres ganar a base de meter dinero, por ahi esta el Battlefront ll

Si eres pobre y un muerto de hambre no es mi problema
y yo no lloro tengo lo que quiero y cuando quiero en cambio otros siguen comiendose los mocos y arrastransoce por eventos de mierda 

Me conmueves, el mundo esta en tu contra, llego el dia del juicio final...ahora si dejaras de llorar en un idioma que probablemente los admin no entiendan ni con el y les enviaras un mensaje en discord exponiendo tu caso probablemente tendrias mas posibilidades de conseguir tu cometido.
Debe ser duro ser el unico que le incomoda perder ventaja frente a las multis de cada pais, pero como los intereses eNacionales normalmente superan a los intereses personales creo que estas gritando al aire,mis condolencias.


Mas duro deve ser no tener nada e ir comiendoles el culo por 4 panes

I hate naval battles

Interviewing Petros2

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