Govedov žurnal

Govedo - Newspaper from Serbia -

Published in Serbia - Social interactions and entertainment - 09 Jul 2019 00:56 - 2

Poštovni čitaoci,

Ovog puta vam pišem vezano za malo drugi povod. Želim da objavim javni konkurs za pravljenje avatara. 

1. Šta sve avatar treba da sadrži?

*Avatar mora da sadrži sliku iz staroslovense mitologije, poželjno je da bude Svarog, Perun, Svetovid, primer: , možeš da nađeš neku drugu fotku, tvoj je izbor.

* Avatar mora da sadrži Srpsku zastavu

*Avatar mora da sadrži simbol kolovrata

Ukoliko imate nedoumice možete mi se obratiti.

2. Rok za izradu avatara je 20. jul

3. Nagrade za izradu avatara

1. mesto  75 golda
2. mesto  50 golda
3. mesto  25 golda
4. mesto  15 golda
5. mesto  10 golda

Na kraju konkursa izbaciću članak sa rang listom radova. Apsolutno zadržavam pravo da poništim konkurs ako ne bude dobrih radova. Takođe jedan učesnik može osvojiti i svih 5 nagrada odnosno 175 golda.

Govediću, jel možeš mene drugačije da nagradiš?

Dear English speaking readers, 

This time i will publish little bit of different article, i know that you are used to read geopolitical analysis from me, but this time its different. I would like to announce public contest for making avatars.

1. What avatar needs to be consist of?

* First you will need main picture from old Slavic methodology, picture one of old Slavic gods like Svarog, Perun, Svetovid, itd... for example picture like this , you can find your own picture and work on it.

* Avatar needs to have Serbian flag

*Avatar need to have kolovrat symbol

2. Deadline for making avatar is 20th of July

3. Prices for making avatars:

1st place   75 golds
2nd place  50 golds
3rd place   25 golds
4th place   15 golds
5th place   10 golds

When contest is end i will make public article with results. I have all rights to call contest off if avatars are not satisfying. Also one player can do 5 differest avatars and won 175 golds.



D 28dionzGoguadze

Comments (2)

Bravo. Hoću i ja takav avatar da imam. Ako spremas MU zovi me.
Ја не радим испод двеста